Individuals 2024

For Individuals
$ 30 Yearly
  • Lower Entry Fees for PCSI Events
  • Support PCSI and help fufill its mission
  • Receive our Email
  • For an Individual

Family 2024

For Families
$ 50 Yearly
  • Lower Entry Fees for PCSI Events
  • Support PCSI and help fufill its mission
  • Receive our Email
  • For the Whole Family

The membership is valid 1 calendar year 2024 i.e. from January 1st to December 31st.By paying your membership dues, you:

  • support our Society and help in fulfilling its mission
  • have an opportunity to actively shape the Society by having a vote in the elections and being formally eligible for the posts in the Board of Directors
  • have the right to receive information about upcoming events, and regularly published newsletters by E-mail
  • have the privilege to receive lower entry fees for events organized by the Society.

If you have not paid this year membership fee yet or you want to join our Society please send form (download here) and a check payable to PCSI to:

PCSI, Inc.
P.O. Box 824
Noblesville, IN 46061 – 0824